Hazard Alpacas

Alpaca Haven in the Hills

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Hazard Alpacas. "Alpaca Haven in the Hills"


Open Ranch for visitors! Held once monthly. No reservations needed. Check Facebook - HazPaca or email [email protected] for details or more info.

Open Ranch Dates 2025
January - 17/18/19
February - 14/15/16
March - 14/15/16
April - 11/12/13
May - 23/24/25 (Memorial Day weekend)
June - 20/21/22
July - 18/19/20
August - 15/16/17
September - 25/ 26/27/28 Natl Alpaca Farm Days and San Diego Yarn Crawl
October - 17/18/19
November - 14/15/16
December - 5/6/7 & 12/13/14

Open Ranch Days
12 pm - 3 pm Fridays
10 am - 3 pm Sat & Sun

Open Ranch offerings:
-Alpacas of course
-Beautiful outdoor setting
-Shop the Barn - Products for sale!

Open Ranch dates are subject to change. Check back before your visit.

Visit Facebook:
HazPaca - Alpacas in San Diego
for address and details or email me at [email protected].

The beautiful east San Diego County back country in Southern California is home to Hazard Alpacas. Rick and Patti Hazard, owners, are committed to producing quality alpacas and fabulous end products as well as an educational experience about alpacas and their fabulous fiber.

We are open just one weekend a month for visitors! Take a drive out to beautiful Deerhorn Valley. Visit the animals and shop in our barn for unique and handmade items.

The Hazards currently have a herd of 30 alpacas, 1 llama, 3 goats and a bunch of chickens!! They all want to meet you during our Open Ranch Days.

Patti (619) 990-7305 (text only)